Mortal Engines Wiki

Ames was a male human who was introduced in Mortal Engines as a navigator for Tunbridge Wheels.

He was killed by Shrike on the Black Island.[1]


Ames was a thin, bespectacled man with long, thin fingers.[2]


Mortal Engines quartet[]

Mortal Engines[]

Ames was the Tunbridge Wheels' school teacher before Chrysler Peavy took it over. It is said that Ames enjoys his role as a navigator, and that "Peavey's pirates are better behaved than most of his old school pupils". Ames doesn't personally kill Peavey, who is killed by Mungo and Janny Mags, but when Mungo and Jenny Mags are about to kill Tom Natsworthy and Hester Shaw, Ames follows suit and produces a small pistol to help, but before he can shoot Tom or Hester, Shrike appears and puts his glaives through Ames' chest when he tries to run.


  1. Mortal Engines, Chapter 22: "Shrike"
  2. Mortal Engines, Chapter 19: "The Sea of Khazakh"