Mortal Engines Wiki

Dr. Collihole was a male human who was introduced in Fever Crumb as a member of London's Order of Engineers.


A Web of Air[]

Collihole was reported to be dead by Dr. Avery Teal. He was an Engineer who believed that flight was possible, and had constructed a hot-air ballon on the roof of Godshawk's Head. Fever and Shrike used this balloon to escape from London rioters.  Later on in the book, he revealed that he had been in contact with the Nomad Empire, and made his way to another spy, only to be captured by London rioters looking for Engineers for Ted Swiney

Scrivener's Moon'[]

It was mentioned that it was Dr. Teal who had killed Collihole, working for the Suppression Office, a new section of the Guild of Engineers constructed to ensure by any means that new technologies that would give London's enemies an advantage could not develop. 
