Mortal Engines Wiki

Silas Gench[1] is a male human who was introduced in Mortal Engines. He and Jasper Pewsey were the pilots of Thaddeus Valentine's airship, the 13th Floor Elevator, before they were shot by Tom Natsworthy firing rockets from the Jenny Haniver at them.[2]

In the 2018 film, he was portrayed by Aaron Jackson.


Gench was old, with big hands.[5]



Gench and Pewsey were formerly ruthless air-pirates. Even though it is not said how he and Pewsey were reformed and came to work aboard London, it is possible that he and Pewsey's airship was shot down by a London airship and both were taken aboard London.

Gench and Pewsey drove the Elevator to Oak Island so Valentine could take MEDUSA from Pandora Shaw. He and Pewsey chased after Hester Shaw until she escaped in a rowboat.

Mortal Engines quartet[]

Mortal Engines[]

Gench and Pewsey attacked the Jenny Haniver, which was flying over London, shooting missiles at it and injuring its pilot, Tom Natsworthy. However, Tom fought back by shooting missiles at the Elevator's windows, killing Gench and Pewsey, and the airship plummets towards London.

Tom later mentioned that he regretted killing him and Pewsey soon after the traction city is destroyed by MEDUSA.

Predator's Gold[]

Gench's death in Mortal Engines was mentioned to be the reason why Tom did not want to arm the Jenny.

Field Guides[]

The Illustrated World of Mortal Engines[]

Gench was mentioned in the section on Valentine. He was also depicted in artwork for the 13th Floor Elevator.


Gench was first seen flying the 13th Floor Elevator to Sharkmoor Prison. He was present when Valentine destroyed the maritime prison to free Shrike.

When Hester used Pandora's crash drive to shut down MEDUSA, Valentine ordered him and Pewsey to murder the Navigators, forcing London to crash into the Shield Wall. He then went into the 13th Floor Elevator, which was tied down by Hester so she could shoot Valentine with a gun, as its only pilot.

He was ultimately killed by Tom firing the only missile left on Jenny Haniver at the 13th Floor Elevator's helm near the film's "epilogue", which plummeted to the ground and was crushed by a slowing London.


  • "Silas" is the shortened form of "Silvanus",[6] which means "of the woods" in Latin.[7] "Gench" was a surname that Philip Reeve found while wandering a Brighton cemetery.[8]



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