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Theo Ngoni is a male human who was introduced in Infernal Devices.


Theo has ebony skin,[7] a long body,[7] and a handsome brown face.[9] He is handsome, with a gloomy, sullen look.[8]

After the Battle of Brighton, he stole an aviator's jacket to keep warm as Cloud 9 went down.[10]

Six months after Infernal Devices, he wears aviator's clothing,[11] and has a photo of Wren is in one his jacket pockets.[11][12] When he was making his way to London, he wore a Green Storm greatcoat over his usual clothing as a disguise.[12][9]


At his initial appearance, Theo disregarded what his parents told him and sought to forge his own path. After his "fall from grace" when his Tumbler failed to go off, he became ashamed of himself and the cause he used to back.[8]

He wants to prove himself useful, but finds that he is a gentle man.[2][9]



Theo was born in Zagwa around the same time that Wren was born. He later left his home and became a Green Storm suicide bomber, but was captured when his "Tumbler" failed to detonate when it was dropped on a suburb. He was saved by the people of the city, but sold into slavery. Theo is ashamed that he did not go down fighting, but later realizes that he was not willing to give his life for the Green Storm; he did not really believe in their cause, but had been brainwashed by propaganda.[8]

Mortal Engines quartet[]

Infernal Devices[]

Theo is initially introduced as a slave of Cloud 9.

He is Boo Boo Pennyroyal's favorite slave. After Wren discovers the boathouse where the Peewit was kept, she attempted to get him to fly the ship. However, because of his shame, he refuses to help her.

Through a variety of mistakes Boo Boo Pennyroyal comes to believe that Theo and Wren are romantically involved. This ultimately leads the two to become friends and help each other escape Cloud Nine. Ironically, this is probably when their actual romance did begin. After the destruction of Cloud Nine, their subsequent capture and escape from the Green Storm, and the witnessing of the duel between the the Stalker Fang and Shrike, Wren and Theo escape with Tom on the Jenny Haniver.

A Darkling Plain[]

While Tom and Wren become air traders, Theo returns to Zagwa. He foils an attack on Lady Naga by Green Storm traitors, and is recruited to escort her back to the safety of Tienjing. He fails at this - their airship is hijacked over the Sahara desert, and Theo is captured by a Traction City and sold into slavery again.

A chance encounter with Hester Natsworthy and Shrike frees him, and he convinces them to help him rescue Lady Naga. 

They save her from slave-dealers on Airhaven, and escape over the front line into Green Storm lands, but Theo is separated from the others when the airbase they are attacked.

He trudges across the plains with a number of defeated soldiers, and comes across the ruins of London. Wren had told him in a letter that she was heading there with Tom, and he decides to investigate it. He discovers her alive and well with the surviving Londoners, and they express their love for each other.

Theo later helps defend New London against Harrowbarrow, and becomes engaged to Wren. The two of them become traders in magnetic levitation furniture, in an airship they call the Jenny Haniver II.


Hester Natsworthy[]

Theo initially meets Hester when she and Tom and find Wren on Cloud 9.[3]

After escaping into the desert, Hester comes across Theo at Cutler's Gulp, and unwittingly rescues him from his overseers in the engine district.[13]

When he makes his way to London, Theo describes his encounter with Hester to Tom and Wren (which makes both of them semi-emotional).[14]

Kaelo Ngoni[]

Kaelo is one of Theo's sisters.

Miriam Ngoni[]

Miriam is one of Theo's sisters.

Tom Natsworthy[]

Theo initially meets Tom when he and Hester and find Wren on Cloud 9.[3]

Wren Natsworthy[]

Wren is Theo's wife.

They met during the events of Infernal Devices while working on Cloud 9. By the end of A Darkling Plain, they are engaged and by the time of the epilogue, it is thought that they have already married.


  • "Theo" is a shortened form of the name "Theodore", which means "gift of God" in Greek.[15]
  • Theo can recognize Tractionist airships due to his training in the Green Storm.[16] The same can be applied for distinguishing different types of Stalker birds used by the Storm.[9]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Infernal Devices, Chapter 29: "The Unexploded Boy"
  2. 2.0 2.1 A Darkling Plain, Chapter 6: "Rain-Colored Silk"
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Infernal Devices, Chapter 36: "Strange Meetings"
  4. A Darkling Plain, Chapter 45: "Harvest"
  5. 5.0 5.1 A Darkling Plain, Chapter 51: "The Chase"
  6. A Darkling Plain, Chapter 53: "The Afterglow"
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Infernal Devices, Chapter 14: "Sold!"
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Infernal Devices, Chapter 21: "The Flight of a Seagull"
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 A Darkling Plain, Chapter 36: "Intruders"
  10. Infernal Devices, Chapter 33: "Departures"
  11. 11.0 11.1 A Darkling Plain, Chapter 30: "She is Risen"
  12. 12.0 12.1 A Darkling Plain, Chapter 34: "Displaced Persons"
  13. A Darkling Plain, Chapter 10: "The Black Angel"
  14. A Darkling Plain, Chapter 37: "Love Among the Ruins"
  15. Theodore - Behind the Name
  16. A Darkling Plain, Chapter 1: "Super-Gnats Over Zagwa"